Hi all,
Okay, we've got 19 rsvp's for Wineconf. And that's missing me and a lot of other people that I know will be there, so shame on me and shame on you.
So get over to www.winehq.org/wineconf and rsvp (including fellow folks from CodeWeavers; if you're reading this, you better plan on being there <grin>).
In all seriousness, we really need an accurate head count so we can plan properly; if there really only will be 25-30 people, that makes things a good bit different than 75 people.
While you're there, join the wine-conf mailing list; I think that's the most appropriate place for us to start the discussions of the agenda and to start fine tuning the details. So if you don't subscribe to wine-conf, but you're planning to go, you're going to start missing out on everything but the nag messages <grin>.