Hello, Ok I know this going to start YALD (Yet Another Long Discussion) that wont go anywhere right away but......
ReactOS is getting ready to do a major import of the WINE dlls as you guys know due to my repeated cross-postings to Wine-devel and ros-kernel. When we compile rpcrt and ole32 from WINE with some hacks we can make it work under ReactOS but I would like to develop a implementation that works properly without dirty hacking. I dont know much about WINEs rpcss other than whats in the comments of the code and for that matter I dont know much about Windows rpcss. Can we share these componates? How are we going to break compatiblity by doing this?
Thanks Steven
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-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: wine-devel-admin@winehq.org [mailto:wine-devel-admin@winehq.org] På vegne af Steven Edwards Sendt: 8. december 2003 23:05 Til: wine-devel@winehq.com Emne: rpcrt4 and rpcss with WINE and ReactOS
Hello, Ok I know this going to start YALD (Yet Another Long Discussion) that wont go anywhere right away but......
ReactOS is getting ready to do a major import of the WINE dlls as you guys know due to my repeated cross-postings to Wine-devel and ros-kernel. When we compile rpcrt and ole32 from WINE with some hacks we can make it work under ReactOS but I would like to develop a implementation that works properly without dirty hacking. I dont know much about WINEs rpcss other than whats in the comments of the code and for that matter I dont know much about Windows rpcss. Can we share these componates? How are we going to break compatiblity by doing this?
Thanks Steven
ReactOS can use the relatively fast LPC facility for cross-process communication in rpcrt4. I'm not sure if WINE implements this, but if both WINE and ReactOS implements it in the same way, then I see no reason not to share implementations of this component.
On Monday 08 December 2003 04:44 pm, Casper Hornstrup wrote:
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: wine-devel-admin@winehq.org [mailto:wine-devel-admin@winehq.org] På vegne af Steven Edwards Sendt: 8. december 2003 23:05 Til: wine-devel@winehq.com Emne: rpcrt4 and rpcss with WINE and ReactOS
Hello, Ok I know this going to start YALD (Yet Another Long Discussion) that wont go anywhere right away but......
ReactOS is getting ready to do a major import of the WINE dlls as you guys know due to my repeated cross-postings to Wine-devel and ros-kernel. When we compile rpcrt and ole32 from WINE with some hacks we can make it work under ReactOS but I would like to develop a implementation that works properly without dirty hacking. I dont know much about WINEs rpcss other than whats in the comments of the code and for that matter I dont know much about Windows rpcss. Can we share these componates? How are we going to break compatiblity by doing this?
Thanks Steven
ReactOS can use the relatively fast LPC facility for cross-process communication in rpcrt4. I'm not sure if WINE implements this, but if both WINE and ReactOS implements it in the same way, then I see no reason not to share implementations of this component.
Wine doesn't have LPC per se. If ReactOS does, I'd love to see their implementation and talk to you all about stealing it :)
Rpcss (in wine) is really a nasty kludge at this time. It only performs a single function: mapping of endpoints. Eventually, this is where the Running Object Table, the OXID Resolver, and maybe some other things should go. Furthermore, the endpoint mapping is done in completely the wrong way: it uses an arbitrary protocol over named pipes. It is supposed to be using RPC according to a standard interface (maybe there are two standards, though, the MS ORPC one and the ONC RPC one, which are supposed to coexist). That's not particularly important, however, until the wire protocol is fixed.
At the RPC API level, wine appears to support lpc -- but in fact it's using named pipes. The actual LPC API's (NT "Ports") are just do-nothing stubs. Implementing them might be easy; implementing them /well/ would probably require shared memory and be kinda scary. I have designs to do this myself (starting with the poor, easy implementation), but lately I'm not finding the time I want to dedicate to wine development.
Uhh... so in answer to your question, rpcrt4 and rpcss are designed to work together, and shouldn't have too many ugly dependencies (except that rpcrt4 has some ole32 deps for its ndr implementation). For the most part, they only use high-level Windows-y stuff found in kernel32; there may be a few unixisms/wineisms, of course, but compared to other dlls these should be trivial.
My advice: just run the code and see what happens. So long as ROS has working named-pipes, and a few other kernel essentials like critical sections, string atoms, etc, it ought to "just work", deficiencies and all. Just test with "/Oi" midl-generated code, and stick to the supported transports (lpc, ironically, or named pipes), or you will get no love. AFAIK, the only snag you may encounter is if your ole diverges from that of wine.. if that happens, just break the ndr types which require ole32 until you get your ole32 up to speed. Furthermore, you only need rpcss for dynamic endpoints!!! Fixed endpoints will work fine without rpcss. In real-world situations, due to the deficiencies of wine's RPC, there is almost never any reason to invoke rpcss, and it rarely runs.
Sorry to fulfill the prophecy about "YALD (Yet Another Long Discussion) that wont go anywhere right away but......",
Hey Greg, --- "Gregory M. Turner" gmturner007@ameritech.net wrote:
Wine doesn't have LPC per se. If ReactOS does, I'd love to see their
implementation and talk to you all about stealing it :)
Uhh... so in answer to your question, rpcrt4 and rpcss are designed to work together, and shouldn't have too many ugly dependencies (except that rpcrt4 has some ole32 deps for its ndr implementation). For the most part, they only use high-level Windows-y stuff found in kernel32; there may be a few unixisms/wineisms, of course, but compared to other dlls these should be trivial.
Yes there are a few but maybe Casper and I can get these cleaned before we branch.
My advice: just run the code and see what happens. So long as ROS has working named-pipes, and a few other kernel essentials like critical sections, string atoms, etc, it ought to "just work", deficiencies and all. Just test with "/Oi" midl-generated code, and stick to the supported transports (lpc, ironically, or named pipes), or you will get no love. AFAIK, the only snag you may encounter is if your ole diverges from that of wine.. if that
We really dont want to diverge at all. I have tested hacked binarys under ReactOS and its seemed to work fine but that his been running only simple apps that depended on rpcrt4 and ole32.
Thanks for your help. It doesnt sound like we will have a problem at all.
Thanks Steven
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On Monday 08 December 2003 06:21 pm, Steven Edwards wrote:
Neat. Does it work well enough in ROS to support NT's native rpcrt4?
-- "Gregory M. Turner" gmturner007@ameritech.net wrote:
On Monday 08 December 2003 06:21 pm, Steven Edwards wrote:
Neat. Does it work well enough in ROS to support NT's native rpcrt4?
I havent tried but I doubt it. We need some major regression testing. It might have worked and then broken 1000 over by now.
Thanks Steven
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