Hi! Does anyone have a set of directives on how one goes about generating an MFC library for winelib from the sources?
I just started the process, and got pass the mfc/atl configuration hic-ups. Now I am trying to get things to compile and that is another story. I am presently getting an error while compiling that atl that goes:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" /usr/bin/wrc -I. -I/usr/local/include/wine/windows -o atl.res atl.rc atl.rc:54:58: Error: Cannot open file atl.tlb make: *** [atl.res] Error 1
from http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-users/2001/03/0301.html I am inferring that atl.tlb may not be needed. I may be wrong. It appears that it is going to be a very long series of trial and error. I've looked for information to help but it has been very scanty.
Is there a script or Makefile that automates this process?
At this point any information helps. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
IIRC, there were legal issues with this. Make sure that the MFC license allows you to redistribute the compiled code before you delve too deeply into this adventure.
Deji Akinyemi wrote:
Hi! Does anyone have a set of directives on how one goes about generating an MFC library for winelib from the sources?
I just started the process, and got pass the mfc/atl configuration hic-ups. Now I am trying to get things to compile and that is another story. I am presently getting an error while compiling that atl that goes:
-I/usr/local/include/wine/windows -o atl.res atl.rc atl.rc:54:58: Error: Cannot open file atl.tlb make: *** [atl.res] Error 1
from http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-users/2001/03/0301.html I am inferring that atl.tlb may not be needed. I may be wrong. It appears that it is going to be a very long series of trial and error. I've looked for information to help but it has been very scanty.
Is there a script or Makefile that automates this process?
At this point any information helps. Thanks in advance for any pointers.