Hello, In the past weeks, I've worked on a re-write of the Direct3D7 implementation with WineD3D. Well, I've managed to get some games running, but I have also encountered a few problems. Before I continue with this, I'd like to ask for your opinions.
I have uploaded a patch to http://doesi.gmxhome.de/d3d7.patch.bz2, it's a diff against Wine CVS from December, 11th 2005. It's not really meant to be used, but rather to have something to look at. I don't know how long I can keep the patch there, because I am limited in space. I've sent the patch to Oliver some days ago to upload it to his sourceforge website, it will be available there when he uploads it.
So what's the point of this mail? While a D3D7->WineD3D wrapping can be done by wrapping D3D7 only and leave DirectDraw in ddraw.dll, it has a few ugly drawbacks:
-> Device initalisation: In D3D7, the first step is to create a IDirectDraw Device, set up the device, create a surface and then create a Direct3D Device. When creating the WineD3DDevice in the last step, I have to do some ugly things to wrap the allready existing Surface to a newly created WineD3DSurface. The same applies in reverse order for the device removal. I also don't know what to do if a game changes the screen setup after D3DDevice creation.
-> Surfaces: In D3D7 surfaces are children of IDirectDraw, while in WineD3D they are children of WineD3DDevice. Because the D3D7Device can be created and destroyed without modifying surfaces, I have to manage the surface's properties and memory areas for both DirectDraw and WineD3D. Overrides for the Lock() and Unlock() functions are used to access the WineD3D surface if it exists.
I think that everything would be much cleaner if the DirectDraw functionality was also moved to WineD3D. My suggestion is the follwing. -> WineD3D would be initialised in the D3D7 way, using a new interface WineDDrawDevice. D3D8 and D3D9 could easily manage this in their create functions
-> Surfaces are created with WineDDrawDevice, and they survive the release of WineD3DDevice. This makes surface creation easier for D3D7, and it's easy to adopt it for D3D9 and D3D8.
-> The IWineD3DSurface interface gets additional functionality for DirectDraw operations. I'd suggest 3 versions of the 2D functions: One based on plain X11(for compatiblity) calls, one that uses DGA(speed without 3D acceleration), and one that uses OpenGL(For fast rendering without /dev/mem access). For DXVersion > 7 the OpenGL version is used, and for DX7 it can be decided when the primary surface is created.
What's the drawback? First, it's much more work, and it's a really invasive change to WineD3D, which becomes more complex. Because of this I'd like to know your opinion before I spend a lot of time for this.
Hello, The patch is now on the sourceforge page, and it can be found at https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=134206&package_id....
The only working games are Tomb Raider 3 Demo and Moto Racer 2 Demo, so it's not really exciting from a users point of view right now.