André Renato Furtado, add documentation for exported functions of the win32 batmeter library...
BOOL BatMeterCapabilities( PUINT *ppuiBatCount) *\ description: is used to determine if the batmeter lib can run on the host machine. return true on success (battery meter can run). params: out -> ppuiBatCount - points to a pointer which will be filled in with a pointer to the global battery count.*\
HWND CreateBatMeter( HWND hWndParent, HWND hWndFrame, BOOL bShowMulti, PBATTERY_STATE pbsComposite) *\ description: create, fetch data for and draw the batmeter window. returns a handle to the newly created battery meter window on success, null on failure. param: hWndParent - parent of the battery meter dialog. hWndFrame - frame to locate the battery meter dialog. bShowMulti - display mode (true -> multiple battery). opt -> pbsComposite - pointer to composite battery state.*\
HWND DestroyBatMeter(HWND hWnd) *\ description: destroy the batmeter window created with CreateBatMeter function. returns the handle of the batmeter parent window. params: hWnd - handle to the window to be destroyed. *\
BOOL PowerCapabilities() *\ description: is used to determine if the system has any power management capabilities which require ui support. return true if power management ui should be displayed. *\
BOOL UpdateBatMeter( HWND hWnd, BOOL bShowMulti, BOOL bForceUpdate, PBATTERY_STATE pbsComposite) *\ description: this function should be called when the battery meter parent window receives a WM_POWERBROADCAST, PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE message, it will update the data in the global battery state list. if needed the display will also be updated. PARAMETERS: hWndBatMeter, hwnd of the battery meter dialog bShowMulti, display mode bForceUpdate, forces a ui update opt -> pbsComposite, pointer to composite battery state. *\
WM_POWERBROADCAST == 0x218 PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE == 0xa _________________________________________________________________ Instale a Barra de Ferramentas com Desktop Search e ganhe EMOTICONS para o Messenger! É GRÁTIS!