I think I have the answer why feedback to the wine-user.pdf has so far been disappointing: It's too well written. No questions to ask, almost.
Actually, probably 90% of users try to get by without reading it. I saw a posting somwhere today, someone advising someone else about running the wine install, without mentioning uninstalling any old versions. The blind leading the blind. You need to put a big README!!!.TXT file somewhere, where it should say: "You choose: Spend 1 day reading wine-user.pdf, and another day setting it up; or spend a week trying to set it up, a month asking questions at the forums, a year in depression, then finally a day reading wine-user.pdf, and another day setting it up." But probably, the lucky 10% who read it never have any questions, so you don't hear from them.
In my case, though, combining a high IQ and being a complete helpless newbie to Linux, is a powerful combination that produces questions out of nowhere. In the chapter about installing and un-installing, one small detail got left out: "How does one KNOW whether wine is installed, and if so what version it is?" I'm sure it must sound like typical newbie crap questions to you, but to me it's a solid and tangible one. Well, I do know that I do have wine installed, because when I installed Fedora Core 2, I said "install everything". Besides, I tried.. "wine /mnt/C/windows/notepad.exe" and it worked!!!! :-) :-) :-)
But as for the version of wine I have, I have no idea how to find out. In Windows, I'd check the Add/remove programs, to see if it mentions the version, or I'd look in the installation folder for a readme.txt file. In Linux, not so easy: Even after doing a file search for "wine", I still can't tell what folder it is installed in, if indeed it is installed in ONE folder, and not many. Looks like many, by the looks of it... Or at least two: One under /usr/local, which only contains two files, another for documentation, elsewhere, and I saw a folder somewhere with alotof.dll.so files.
Anyways, thank you for the great work you've done and are doing. Some day Historians will remember you like today we remember Leonardo, or whoever: How Humanity rid itself of a great monopoli threat. As newbie as I am in Linux, I'm the expert here at work. If I can get our Windows apps to run on Linux, I might succeed at having the company switch over. Wish me luck.
On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 01:12:06AM -0500, Dan W. wrote:
crap questions to you, but to me it's a solid and tangible one. Well, I do know that I do have wine installed, because when I installed Fedora Core 2, I said "install everything". Besides, I tried.. "wine /mnt/C/windows/notepad.exe" and it worked!!!! :-) :-) :-)
which wine
to figure out if it's installed.
But as for the version of wine I have, I have no idea how to find out.
wine --version
installed in ONE folder, and not many. Looks like many, by the looks of it... Or at least two: One under /usr/local, which only contains two files, another for documentation, elsewhere, and I saw a folder somewhere with alotof.dll.so files.
Under multiple folders, don't worry where it is.
apps to run on Linux, I might succeed at having the company switch over. Wish me luck.
Fingers and toes crossed! :)
In my case, though, combining a high IQ and being a complete helpless newbie to Linux, is a powerful combination that produces questions out of nowhere. In the chapter about installing and un-installing, one small detail got left out: "How does one KNOW whether wine is installed, and if so what version it is?" I'm sure it must sound like typical newbie crap questions to you, but to me it's a solid and tangible one. Well, I do know that I do have wine installed, because when I installed Fedora Core 2, I said "install everything". Besides, I tried.. "wine /mnt/C/windows/notepad.exe" and it worked!!!! *snip*
You're definately right; some of the documentation needs to be updated, improved, or more generally geared towards complete newbies. In all fairness, a little over a year ago, I was a complete Linux newbie, and Wine was the first application I ever installed (compiled from source) and ran on Linux. :) Of course, it took some reading of the documentation, and some educated guessing, but it was possible.
In any case, I don't know who currently maintains the documentation, but you sound like you have some great ideas to contribute to it. I encourage you to get involved. :)
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