Hi all,
Just thought I'd post an update on my work, after working a few weeks on it I am finally at the point where the first applications that use this new sound api start to work.
Currently it's at http://repo.or.cz/w/wine/multimedia.git/shortlog/refs/heads/mmdevapi but I will clean it up, split it into separate patches and merge it back to wine slowly.
So far the only 'application' that will work is directsound from windows 7. World of warcraft tries to use mmdevapi if you set the windows version to 7, and the main screen sound works, if you change dlls/mmdevapi/audio.c AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32 to AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, but that will break dsound. It's not ready for mainstream use yet, but I thought it would be nice to post this update.
Note that you most likely won't get any sound if you try it yourself, I only tested a simple dsound playback application, left4dead2+win7 dsound for example seems completely silent after the intro, and many things simply aren't handled yet. It's also untested on the mac, but it probably works there, since I use no specific extension.
However, this code means that it should eventually be possible to port dsound over to use openal, after mmdevapi is done.
Cheers, Maarten.