Hi all
I'd like to stay up-to-date by using cvs on wine. Unfortunately cvs isn't able to go through a proxy if it isn't invisible, I can't enter the proxy info anywhere in cvs (confirmed on cvs mailing list). So I wondered if there is a better solution than to download the wine-snapshots and reinstall the sources every time. Does anyone have similar problems and maybe a solution?
On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
Hi all
I'd like to stay up-to-date by using cvs on wine. Unfortunately cvs isn't able to go through a proxy if it isn't invisible, I can't enter the proxy info anywhere in cvs (confirmed on cvs mailing list). So I wondered if there is a better solution than to download the wine-snapshots and reinstall the sources every time. Does anyone have similar problems and maybe a solution?
You don't have to download the whole snapshot. Patch files are available at the same place, and patching instructions are in <wine>/README. I read the wine-cvs mailing list and fetch the individual patch files through a proxy using wget -i.
I use this to extract the url's from the wine-cvs mail folder:
#!/bin/sh grep Patch: /gp/pine/wine-cvs|sed 's/Patch:\ //g' > ~/wgets mv /gp/pine/wine-cvs ~/cvslog/$(date -u -Iseconds)
You might have to adjust the filenames. Mine are a bit odd.
and this to render the sgml into text:
#!/bin/sh sed -e 's/</</g' -e 's/>/>/g' -e 's/&/&/g'
These patches apply with a -p 4. They seem to be in order by filename, as they seem always to apply in the right order when I cat them together before piping them to patch. Man patch is not such a bad man page.
Lawson ---oops---
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