2008/4/29 Vitaly Perov vitperov@etersoft.ru:
jhawkins@codeweavers.com : cabinet: Revert "cabinet: Fix for FDICopy with an empty cabinet file."
The test was incorrect and failed on all platforms. Vitaly, please ask someone to test your patches on a real windows system in the future if you don't have access to one.
I have tested this patch on Win98. It didn't failed. But on WinXP it failed.
The pach comes with this test fix a problem, so installation of certain software (it includes one empty cab-file ) doesn't fail anymore. I don't think, that this patch can cause any problem with a software developed for WinXP.
So, please look it trough once more.
Just look at the test results:
It fails on every single platform, including win98.