While running your changed tests on Windows, I think I found new failures. Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be wrong, but could you please double-check? Full results can be found at http://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=14496
Your paranoid android.
=== WNT4WSSP6 (32 bit) === batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 7 (got 'error 1', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 8 (got '0 ', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 9 (got '1 ', wanted '2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 10 (got 'error 1', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 11 (got '2 ', wanted '3@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 12 (got 'error 1', wanted '3@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 13 (got '0 ', wanted '4@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 14 (got '3 ', wanted '------ Testing invocation with CMD /C -------------') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 15 (got '3 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 16 (got 'error 1', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 17 (got '4 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 18 (got 'error 1', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 19 (got '------ Testing invocation with CMD /C -------------', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 22 (got '0 ', wanted '2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 24 (got '1 ', wanted '3@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 25 (got '0 ', wanted '4@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 26 (got '1 ', wanted '---------- Testing CMD /C quoting -----------------') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 27 (got '2 ', wanted '"hi"') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 28 (got '0 ', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 29 (got '3 ', wanted '""\"\"\\"@space@""\"\"\\"') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 30 (got '4 ', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 31 (got '---------- Testing CMD /C quoting -----------------', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x22 position 0 in line 32 (got '"hi"', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 33 (got '1 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x22 position 0 in line 34 (got '""\"\"\\" ""\"\"\\"', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 35 (got '1 ', wanted '0@space@@or_broken@3@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 36 (got '0 ', wanted '3@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 37 (got '1 ', wanted '2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 38 (got '0 ', wanted '2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 39 (got '0 ', wanted '2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 41 (got '3 ', wanted '5@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 42 (got '2 ', wanted '------- Testing CMD /C qualifier treatment ------------') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 43 (got '2 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 44 (got '2 ', wanted '1@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 46 (got '5 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 47 (got '------- Testing CMD /C qualifier treatment ------------', wanted '--------- Testing special characters --------------') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 49 (got '1 ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 50 (got '0 ', wanted ')@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 51 (got '0 ', wanted '[@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 52 (got '--------- Testing special characters --------------', wanted ']@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 53 (got '0 ', wanted '{@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 54 (got '0 ', wanted '}@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x29 position 0 in line 55 (got ') ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x5b position 0 in line 56 (got '[ ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x5d position 0 in line 57 (got '] ', wanted '!@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x7b position 0 in line 58 (got '{ ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x7d position 0 in line 59 (got '} ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 60 (got '0 ', wanted ''@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 61 (got '0 ', wanted '+@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x21 position 0 in line 62 (got '! ', wanted '0@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x21 position 0 in line 63 (got '! ', wanted ''@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 64 (got '0 ', wanted '~@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x27 position 0 in line 65 (got '' ', wanted '--------- Testing parameter passing --------------') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2b position 0 in line 66 (got '+ ', wanted '1:1,2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 67 (got '0 ', wanted '1:(1),2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x27 position 0 in line 68 (got '' ', wanted '1:1(2),2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x7e position 0 in line 69 (got '~ ', wanted '1:(1),2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 70 (got '--------- Testing parameter passing --------------', wanted '1:((1)),2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 71 (got '1:1,2: ', wanted '1:(1)(2),2:@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 72 (got '1:(1),2: ', wanted '1:(1),2:(2)@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 73 (got '1:1(2),2: ', wanted '1:1,2:2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 74 (got '1:(1),2: ', wanted '1:1,2:2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 75 (got 'error 1', wanted '1:1,2:2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 76 (got '1:((1)),2: ', wanted '1:"p@space@"1,2:p"@space@"2@space@') batch.c:301: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 77 (got 'error 1', wanted '1:p"1@space@p",2:2@space@') batch.c:315: Test failed: too long output, got additional 1:(1)(2),2: