Jeremiah Flerchinger writes:
else {
FIXME("Write %c at (%i,%i) - not yet supported in graphic modes.\n", (char)ascii, x, y);
dat = vga_fb_window_data;
/* get attribute values */
fgColor = attr & 0x0F;
bgColor = (attr & 0x70)>>4;
/* Create DC to draw font on */
hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
if (hDC == 0)
ERR("CreateCompatibleDC FAILED. \n");
/* Create bitmap to draw font on
* define bitmap info {size, width, height, planes, bits, compression, sizeimage}
* origin defaults to top left. negative height makes origin at bottom left.
hTempBmp = CreateDIBSection( hDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pSrcData, NULL, 0 );
if (hTempBmp == NULL)
ERR("CreateDIBSection FAILED. \n");
You should actually handle the errors, not just print an ERR and go on using invalid data.
/* get a font compatable to old IBM ROM (IBM extended character set) */
IBM_hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject( OEM_FIXED_FONT );
GetObjectA ( IBM_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONTA), & IBM_lFont );
/* scale character & set attributes - FIXME tweak or make better font for smaller sizes */
IBM_lFont.lfWidth = ModeInfo->CharWidth;
IBM_lFont.lfHeight = ModeInfo->CharHeight;
/* create new font with desired properties */
ModIBM_hFont = CreateFontIndirectA ( & IBM_lFont );
if (ModIBM_hFont == NULL)
ERR("CreateFontIndirectA FAILED. \n");
SelectObject(hDC, hTempBmp);
SelectObject(hDC, ModIBM_hFont);
SetTextColor(hDC, fgColor<<16); /* set text color 0x00bbggrr */
SetBkColor(hDC, bgColor<<16); /* set text color 0x00bbggrr */
/* define where char is drawn on bitmap */
rect.left = 0; = 0;
rect.bottom = ModeInfo->CharHeight-1;
rect.right = ModeInfo->CharWidth-1;
/* draw char onto temporary bitmap */
DrawTextHeight = DrawTextA(hDC, (char *)&ascii, 1, &rect, DT_LEFT);
if (DrawTextHeight == 0)
ERR("DrawTextA FAILED. \n");
/* translate from TextRow & TextCol to PixelRow & PixelCol */
x = x * ModeInfo->CharWidth;
y = y * ModeInfo->CharHeight;
/* translate & copy char into display buffer */
for (ih = 0; ih < ModeInfo->CharHeight; ih = ih+1)
Please cut down on the number of comments, there's no need to explain what each line of code is doing, that's adding more noise than information.