"Steven Edwards" steven_ed4153@yahoo.com wrote:
BOOL WINAPI GetComboBoxInfo(HWND hwndCombo, /* [in] handle to combo box */ PCOMBOBOXINFO pcbi /* [in/out] combo box information */) {
- FIXME("\n");
- return FALSE;
LPHEADCOMBO lphc = (LPHEADCOMBO)GetWindowLongA( hwndCombo, 0 );
pcbi->hwndCombo = hwndCombo;
pcbi->hwndList = lphc->hWndLBox;
pcbi->hwndItem = lphc->hWndEdit;
pcbi->rcItem = lphc->textRect;
pcbi->rcButton = lphc->buttonRect;
pcbi->stateButton = (DWORD) lphc->wState;
return TRUE;
Is it possible to do a check for lphc being NULL and keep indentation/spacing similar to the rest of the file? Also (DWORD) cast should not be needed.