Last week I submitted a patch to make kernel32 output an error message in UTF-8 rather than the current codepage. This fixed a bug in which the command "wine /." would produce a garbled error message in languages other than English. However, thinking about this some more, I'm not sure that my patch fixes the bug correctly. I made WideCharToMultiByte use CP_UTF8 instead of CP_ACP, but reading more about the codepage setting, I think I should have used either CP_UNIXCP or CP_OEMCP. Could anyone help clarify which should be used?
2011/10/25 Alex Henrie alexhenrie24@gmail.com:
Last week I submitted a patch to make kernel32 output an error message in UTF-8 rather than the current codepage. This fixed a bug in which the command "wine /." would produce a garbled error message in languages other than English. However, thinking about this some more, I'm not sure that my patch fixes the bug correctly. I made WideCharToMultiByte use CP_UTF8 instead of CP_ACP, but reading more about the codepage setting, I think I should have used either CP_UNIXCP or CP_OEMCP. Could anyone help clarify which should be used?
See Dmitry response to your patch : http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.wine.devel/87295