Just incase anybody is interested, here is a regression test for mailslots. There's not much point to include it into Wine until we support mailslots properly (which I'm working on).
/* * Mailslot regression test * * Copyright 2003 Mike McCormack */
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>
#define ok(cond,str) do{ if(!(cond)) printf("line %d: %s\n",__LINE__,str); }while (0)
const char szmspath[] = "\\.\mailslot\wine_mailslot_test";
int main(int argc, char **argv) { HANDLE hSlot, hSlot2, hWriter, hWriter2; unsigned char buffer[16]; DWORD count, dwMax, dwNext, dwMsgCount, dwTimeout;
// sanity check on GetMailslotInfo dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0; ok( !GetMailslotInfo( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &dwMax, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ), "getmailslotinfo succeeded");
// open a mailslot that doesn't exist hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "non-existing mailslot");
// open a mailslot without the right name hSlot = CreateMailslot( "blah", 0, 0, NULL ); ok( hSlot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "Created mailslot with invalid name"); ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "error should be ERROR_INVALID_NAME");
// open a mailslot with a null name hSlot = CreateMailslot( NULL, 0, 0, NULL ); ok( hSlot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "Created mailslot with invalid name"); ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, "error should be ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND");
// valid open, but with wacky parameters ... then check them hSlot = CreateMailslot( szmspath, -1, -1, NULL ); ok( hSlot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "mailslot with valid name failed"); dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, &dwMax, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwMax == -1, "dwMax incorrect"); ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect"); ok( dwTimeout == -1, "dwTimeout incorrect"); ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( CloseHandle(hSlot), "failed to close mailslot");
// now open it for real hSlot = CreateMailslot( szmspath, 0, 0, NULL ); ok( hSlot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "valid mailslot failed");
// try and read/write to it count = 0; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof buffer); ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot read"); ok( !WriteFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot write");
// now try and openthe client, but with the wrong sharing mode hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "bad sharing mode"); ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, "error should be ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION");
// now open the client with the correct sharing mode hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "existing mailslot");
// opening a client should make no difference to whether we can read or write the mailslot ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL), "slot read"); ok( !WriteFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL), "slot write");
// we can't read from this client, but we should be able to write to it ok( !ReadFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL), "can read client"); ok( WriteFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL), "can't write client"); ok( !ReadFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL), "can read client");
// seeing as there's something in the slot, we should be able to read it once ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot read"); ok( count == (sizeof buffer/2), "short read" );
// but not again ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot read");
// now try open another writer... should fail hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "two writers");
// now try open another as a reader ... also fails hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "writer + reader");
// now try open another as a writer ... still fails hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "writer");
// now open another one hSlot2 = CreateMailslot( szmspath, 0, 0, NULL ); ok( hSlot2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "opened two mailslots");
// close the client again ok( CloseHandle( hWriter ), "closing the client");
// now try reopen it with slightly different permissions ... shared writing hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "sharing writer");
// now try open another as a writer ... but don't share with the first ... fail hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "greedy writer succeeded");
// now try open another as a writer ... and share with the first hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ok( hWriter2 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "2nd sharing writer");
// check the mailslot info dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, &dwMax, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwMax == 0, "dwMax incorrect"); ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect"); ok( dwTimeout == 0, "dwTimeout incorrect");
// check there's still no data ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot read");
// write two messages buffer[0] = 'a'; ok( WriteFile( hWriter, buffer, 1, &count, NULL), "1st write failed");
// check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 1, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
buffer[0] = 'b'; buffer[1] = 'c'; ok( WriteFile( hWriter2, buffer, 2, &count, NULL), "2nd write failed");
// check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 2, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
// write a 3rd message with zero size ok( WriteFile( hWriter2, buffer, 0, &count, NULL), "3rd write failed");
// check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 3, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
// then check that they come out with the correct order and size, then the slot is empty ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "1st slot read failed"); ok( count == 1, "failed to get 1st message"); ok( buffer[0] == 'a', "1st message wrong");
// check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == 2, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 2, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
// read the second message ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "2nd slot read failed"); ok( count == 2, "failed to get 2nd message"); ok( ( buffer[0] == 'b' ) && ( buffer[1] == 'c' ), "2nd message wrong");
// check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == 0, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 1, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
// read the 3rd (zero length) message ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "3rd slot read failed"); ok( count == 0, "failed to get 3rd message");
// now there should be no more messages // check the mailslot info dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0; ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ), "getmailslotinfo failed"); ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect"); ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
// check that reads fail ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "3rd slot read succeeded");
// finally close the mailslot and its client ok( CloseHandle( hWriter2 ), "closing 2nd client"); ok( CloseHandle( hWriter ), "closing the client"); ok( CloseHandle( hSlot ), "closing the mailslot");
return 0; }
On October 14, 2003 07:59 am, Mike McCormack wrote:
Just incase anybody is interested, here is a regression test for mailslots. There's not much point to include it into Wine until we support mailslots properly (which I'm working on).
Why not include it as a todo_wine{} in the tree? (if you are far away with your mailslot impl, if not, I guess it can wait for it).
Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
Why not include it as a todo_wine{} in the tree? (if you are far away with your mailslot impl, if not, I guess it can wait for it).
I have some code for the mailslot implementation, but it's weekend work for me. It would be pretty easy to wrap the test in a todo_wine{} but we already know that none of the tests will pass, so it won't prove much.
I think I'll just wait until I have an implementation that works. I've run my test on WinNT 4... if somebody felt like verifying it on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, that could be helpful.
On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Mike McCormack wrote: [...]
I have some code for the mailslot implementation, but it's weekend work for me. It would be pretty easy to wrap the test in a todo_wine{} but we already know that none of the tests will pass, so it won't prove much.
I think I'll just wait until I have an implementation that works. I've run my test on WinNT 4... if somebody felt like verifying it on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, that could be helpful.
Seems like a good reason to put the tests in Wine: it makes it more likely that people will run them on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 95 (does it even support mailslots?), etc.
Mike McCormack wrote:
I have some code for the mailslot implementation, but it's weekend work for me. It would be pretty easy to wrap the test in a todo_wine{} but we already know that none of the tests will pass, so it won't prove much.
I think I'll just wait until I have an implementation that works. I've run my test on WinNT 4... if somebody felt like verifying it on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, that could be helpful.
Which would be easier if the test was submitted to Wine.