did anyone notice this recent bug? The d3d9 and d3d8 testsuites fail for me since 1.1.27. My crash backtrace is similar to that already visible in test.winehq.org "WinXP-AMD2600-1.1.27" (submitted by somebody else): http://test.winehq.org/data/b79639699766e7c8f3e236f3fef54e5daac0e5f9/index_W...
I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid with Intel i915 graphics. Is that worth regresion testing or is somebody already looking at this? Note that Austin English's machines show no failure in test.winehq.org, as well as Chris Ahrendt's! The bug is still present in git as of 2009-08-12.
Regards, Jörg Höhle
2009/8/13 Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com:
I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid with Intel i915 graphics. Is that worth regresion testing or is somebody already looking at this?
I don't see it here, please do a regression test.