--- Lars Segerlund lars.segerlund@comsys.se wrote:
What is the status of wines USB support ?
I have an IDE for a developement board and I really would like to flash it from Linux, ( I don't have windows), and this uses USB to talk to the board. Is there anything done yet or am I on my own ?
Can someone also giva a hint on the feasibiliyt, complexity of managing a USB implementation for wine ? I am rather good at linux device drivers and such.
/ regards, Lars Segerlund.
There's not much I can say in the way of development, but as a user, getting USB support (beyond what's supported in the kernel) would be a HUGE leap of improvement for Wine. I think others have said before that there are a lot of apps out there that will run on Wine, but are useless because they depend on their hardware counterpart. (In the music world, Guitarport comes to mind.)
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