HP World is HP's house rag, sent out free to everyone who buys anything from HP or attends their "HP World" show. Several times now they have used the Crossover Office that comes with SuSE Linux during a review of some product.
On page 20 of the Nov 2003 issue, for instance, titled "POPping Up Terrabytes", they reviewed FIA's POPnetserver NAS 4600 model 720, and said in part "Configuration ... is about as simple as humanly possible. There is, however, one minor annoyance for a system designed to be experienced as an applince: All of the management software is designed to run on Windows, and only Windows. ... we were able to run -- albeit not completely-- POPassist on SuSE Linux Desktop with the help of CrossOver Office. The only glitch comes in actually fiding the POPnetserver. That function would not work, which left us manually inputting the new address e discovered with LiSA and My Network Places."
- Dan