When I try to Install the Microsoft Train Simulator using wine (version 20030115), I get the following messages:
tm@penguin:~/c/msts > wine /cdrom/setupFor language 'german' several language ids were found:de_DE - 0407; de_CH - 0807; de_AT - 0C07; de_LU - 1007; de_LI - 1407;Instead of using first in the list, suggest to defineyour LANG environment variable like this: LANG=de_DEfixme:int21:INT_Int21Handler Unimplemented FAT32 int32 function 7303fixme:process:CreateProcessA (E:\EBU6412.exe,...): CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP ignoredfixme:process:CreateProcessA (E: \EBU6412.exe,...): CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE ignoredFor language 'german' several language ids were found:de_DE - 0407; de_CH - 0807; de_AT - 0C07; de_LU - 1007; de_LI - 1407;Instead of using first in the list, suggest to defineyour LANG environment variable like this: LANG=de_DEfixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((nil),1) - no error checking or testing yettm@penguin:~/c/msts > fixme:int21:INT_Int21Handler Unimplemented FAT32 int32 function 7303wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger... Then a window with the following text is displayed:
Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000064 at address 0x00442250 Do you wish to debug
Pressing Yes gives:
Couldn't start process '134830176 0x78' Couldn't start process '134830176 0x78'
The wine processes are still running but nothing happens.
As winversion I used win2k (other versions did not help) For the DLL config (builtin/native) I used the default. Using just builtin Dlls gives the trace above. Using native DLLs from WinNt 4.0 did not help.
For the Int21 function 7303 (=Get Extended free space) I made a fix according to Info from Ralph Browns interrupt list. I will send a patch for this later.
Testing of the Int 21 function 7303 was not possible, because logging information does not change, when the function reports plenty, few or zero disk space.
Hopefully somebody can test the Int 21 function 7303 when I send the patch.
For the other fixme's:
fixme:process:CreateProcessA (E:\EBU6412.exe,...): CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP ignored fixme:process:CreateProcessA (E:\EBU6412.exe,...): CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE ignored fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((nil),1) - no error checking or testing yet
I need help.
And also: Why does the debugger not start?
PS.: Please CC me on discussions, since I am not subscribed at the mailing lists.
Greetings Thomas Mertes