Hi Paul,
Anyone have a suitable patch against mingw that adds StgCreatePropSetStg?
Well, I haven't a patch, but adding the line "StgCreatePropSetStg@12" to w32api/lib/ole32.def ought to do it.
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Hi all,
Thanks for the 1-liner patch ;^)
In fact I went for a patch that Stefan Leichter sent (privately) as it included some 41 other ole32 function definitions, so might stay the inevitable next breakage.
Hans has this patch too, so I guess it should be available from his website at some point. If people need the patch just let me know: I don't want to spam wine-devel further!
On Wednesday 13 April 2005 08:45, Hans Leidekker wrote:
On Tuesday 12 April 2005 23:27, Juan Lang wrote:
Anyone have a suitable patch against mingw that adds StgCreatePropSetStg?