first I'd really like to thank the riched20 workers, notably Krzysztof Foltman and Phil Krylov. For the application Diamond it made a big difference: Instead of "[[Aring]]" etc. one sees the proper symbol and it looks much nicer. But the biggest advantage is that one can now copy or save the text; before the app was simply crashing!
Regression: One of the later riched20 patches, possibly http://cvs.winehq.org/patch.py?id=16672, caused a regression with the richedit control in Diamond.
Before it showed a beta character from the Symbol font, now it only shows a box ("[]").
If one saves the output (rtf export) one sees ------------------- {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\deflang1031\deflangfe1031{\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman;} {\f1\fcharset0 System;} {\f2\fcharset2 Symbol;} }{*\generator Wine Riched20 2.0.????;}\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\b\fs18\ul Bibliographic data} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0 [...] \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\i\fs18 b}{\fs18 = 5.8312(2) 'c5} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\i\fs18 c}{\fs18 = 7.9564(2) 'c5} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\fs18\f2 \u61538?}{\fs18 = 100.77(0) \u176?} -------------------
In the last line, after the \f2 (Symbol font), there should be a beta ("b" + Symbol font).
Trace (starting from the "b = 5.8312(2)"): ------------ trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 177), counted = 177, len = 1, txt = "L"b"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000002 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 178), counted = 178, len = 14, txt = "L" = 5.8312(2) \00c5"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 192), counted = 192, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets para, real ofsp = 193, counted = 193 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 0 (+ofsp = 193), counted = 193, len = 1, txt = "L"\t"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 194), counted = 194, len = 1, txt = "L"c"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000002 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 195), counted = 195, len = 14, txt = "L" = 7.9564(2) \00c5"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 209), counted = 209, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets para, real ofsp = 210, counted = 210 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 0 (+ofsp = 210), counted = 210, len = 1, txt = "L"\t"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 211), counted = 211, len = 1, txt = "L"\f062"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 212), counted = 212, len = 14, txt = "L" = 100.77(0) \00b0"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 226), counted = 226, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 ------------
* * * *
One feature request: Currently, tabs are shown as box ("[]"), how about replacing them with a simple space - that would increase the readability a lot. Compare: WINE-CVS: http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond3.png Windows: http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond_list.png