On 02/14/2011 03:55 AM, Daniel wrote:
Hello all. This only covers the screen. Support still needs to be added to printers.
for(i = 0; i < physDev->pen.dash_len ; i++) {
Please follow file style - curly braces on separate line. No braces for single line blocks.
/* Should be limited to 16 or less */
char x11_user_style[16];
physDev->pen.dash_len = user_style_size > 16 ? 16 : user_style_size;
Should use MAX_DASHLEN instead of magic numbers. Could use "min()" for simplicity.
x11_user_style[i] = (char)(user_style[i] > 255 ? 255 : user_style[i]);
Why not copy directly into physDev->pen.dashes? No need for typecast - it's done automatically.