Mikolaj Zalewski wrote:
My QueryServiceConfig is not compatible with Windows one - I haven't tried hard but I couldn't tune the parameters to connect with Windows services.exe. So I'm not trying to store the structure in the on the server side buffer but pass it all through the RPC and put in into the buffer in advapi32. As I understand in near future Wine will not be a member of Windows domains so on-the-wire compatibility is not very important.
You don't need to be a member of a domain to use remote interfaces like the one for services or the one for the registry. On-the-wire compatibility will be important once we get remote named pipe support, but getting the right architecture is the goal at the moment, and your patches are a step towards that. I believe that the QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW parameter should be a byte_count one, but this is not implemented yet, both in the RPC runtime and in widl.