-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: wineconf archives Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 11:32:42 -0800 (PST) From: Raymond Steding rsteding@lpbn.org To: Michael Cardenas michael.cardenas@lindows.com References: 3C977D16.7050804@lindows.com
First I've heard of this. I've viewed them from computers at 8 different locations. Ports 8080 tcp and 554 tcp have to be open to the Internet. I'll also open additional ports for older versions of the player to see if that helps. I'm installing 2 Darwin servers today and will eventually have the DVcassettes available in quicktime format. I don't have a camera to put the digital video tapes onto the computer at this time so the only video that is up is what was streamed from the conference. Hope to have a DVcassette player soon.
Quoting Michael Cardenas :
Hello, I cannot see the archives, and I've tried it on mozilla, galeon,
and internet explorer in windows and in lindowsOS.
Is there something wrong with archive one?
Is there any way you can put the archives up in a different format?
Michael Cardenas Lead Wine Engineer Lindows.com
Raymond Steding Network Systems Engineer Linux Public Broadcasting Network http://www.lpbn.org/ Los Angeles, CA 818 782-1464 310 994-3779