It's been a while since I mentioned anything about the Wine book I'm working on.
First, I've lost a co-author. Ira had been working on 5 chapters about Winelib. He actually had a lot written and re-written. However, he's backed out of it. So this is a plea for anyone interested in writing those chapters to contact me. I can fill you in on all the specifics. Even if you don't have a strong Winelib background, I think there's a great opportunity for someone interested in technical writing to put something together. Honestly, I haven't closely reviewed the few chapters that have been rewritten, but I think there's a lot of material to work from. (We're still working out the specifics of that.)
The rest of the book is rolling along. I have seven chapters completed totaling over 200 pages. I think I have most of the hard stuff done and the two chapters left shouldn't be too difficult. Right now the review process has been held up by the Winelib sections. Ira's rewrite blew that schedule out of the water and we're seriously overdue on starting reviews. Right now my goal is to shoot for finishing those two chapters by mid September partly to coincide with a beta release of Wine. From there we're still at least 6 months from having a book on the shelves.
The licensing on the book will remain OPL. At some point the text will be available to the Wine community. I think that happens about 90 days from the original publication date. I really don't want that to stop anyone from working on the Wine User Guide or Winelib User Guide. Both of those docs are horribly out of date and need some love. Ideally someone would have the User Guide in shape for a beta release.
O'Reilly.. after not hearing anything from O'Reilly for a few months I got an email from them the other day. In the "Running Linux 5th ed." book coming out later this year I wrote a section on Wine. Previously they had about one paragraph. It's been expanded to about 8 pages including a section on CrossOver Office 5.
Anyway, back to my original question, anyone wanna write a book?