Ok, i recently compiled and upgraded to glibc 3.2.1 and there's no way to make wine work. There's thread related bug. New Red Hat, Suse and Mandrake will be shipped with this new version of glibc, so i think that's a serious bug. (See also http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2003/03/0570.html).
Configure cannot even check that libc are reentrant, i'm not a glibc expert but there's some error with _errno and _errno_location. I tried to apply a patch i found in the patch mailing list, but it didn't work either. ( http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-patches/2003/01/0338.html )
So, consider that every linux distribution will be shipped with the new glibc, and that there will be really a few windows programs that can work without thread support.... well... i'd think about give priority to solve this one.
If anybody found a workaround or wrote some patches... please let me now. For now, i'll not downgrade my libc for sure. I'm without wine.
Thank you all, guys.