Hello all, I've been watching Wine grow for the last two years or somsuch. During this time I have wished that I could contribute to the cause, but alas my coding skills rank somewhere around the level of Jello and can't offer much there. While reading the list I saw the Wine Status pages were linked a few emails ago. I have never seen these pages before and a quick glance and shown that the Documentation side of things needs some TLC *badly*. For those who don't know who I am, I wrote a PSX internals doc a few years ago that made Slashdot a few times. I quite versed at internet data mining and putting the resultant finds in documentation form. The problem is that I'm confused by what kind of documentation you need. Let me give you an example. On the Wine Status DLL page comctl32 is reported of having nonexistant documentaion. A quick look in the CVS browser-thingy shows that in the code itself, comctl32 is quite nicely documented. So what exactly is needed? An API listing? a very verbose version of the .spec file? How to use it? What it does? It's depencies? Is there a particular format I have to stick to? Could anyone hive a pointer of what exactly you are looking for?
Joshua "Haruhito" Walker
P.S. I have a killer Registry API book too, if that helps any.
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A good question. I've been wondering that myself. For comctl32, the documentation is all provided by MSDN. I recall reading somebody say a while back that to be a completely independant Win32 implementation the project would need to have MSDN style documentation as well, but as the docs are freely available I can't see anybody having serious motivation to do that anytime soon.
I think really the biggest need for documentation is on the internals of how Wine works, for instance how and why Wine overrides pthreads, but unfortunately some of that stuff is Jedi-level code - I'm not sure it could be easily documented by somebody who didn't write it.
Anybody else? thanks -mike
On June 3, 2003 03:07 am, Hal Mikimoto wrote:
Thanks for the offer Hal, much appreciated. Don't worry too much about DLL documentation, they are fairly well documented by MS. In the future we might want to have our own documentation for that as well, but at the moment we have much more pressing needs.
I would say: -- improve the guides (http://www.winehq.org/?page=documentation) They are not production ready IMO -- write a HOWTO for the web site
In general, we're looking at improving the user-level documentation to bring it to 'production' standard. Any help is greatly appreciated.