I've read alot of other games suffering from the "touch the keyb and
quits" bug, but so far neither Winex or Wine has found any solution.
anyone else know anything about this bug? native Dinput.dll does make it playable but it's not a valid solution in the long run.
fixme:dinput:IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_EnumObjcets (this=0,40291d88,0x50ec98,0x48e09980,0000000): stub! Any ideas?
I assume this stub needs to be implemented in WINEs dinput. I have no clue who is working on direct input but if you can find someone that has a clue and is willing to help, then you can start testing other apps/games that make use of direct input and sending error reports and logs here. I think the M$ DirectX SDKs so if someone will help you and implement it you could download the tests from there and see how WINE does with them.
Seems likely, although i haven't been able to find anyone currently working on dinput. I'm certain that whenever dinput works as it should it will enable alot of other games to work also. Feels like Tribes is just a step away from working 100%. Aside from dinput bug and opengl support it works just fine.
Thanks Steven
P.S. Hope you get Tribes working as I would like to play again under Linux w/OpenGL
Same here =]
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Seems likely, although i haven't been able to find anyone currently working on dinput. I'm certain that whenever dinput works as it should it will enable alot of other games to work also. Feels like Tribes is just a step away from working 100%. Aside from dinput bug and opengl support it works
Well, last I asked you for a trace, I am still waiting for it :-)
More seriously, the 'dinput' code is not *that* hard to understand, so, as we say in France, 'we are never better served than by ourselves'.