Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine update to the latest CVS, and when cvs update gets to windows/x11drv, it just hangs. I tried deleting the windows directory and I'm using "-Pd." Is there a simple solution to this?
"Oliver" == Oliver Sampson writes:
Oliver> Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine update to the latest CVS, Oliver> and when cvs update gets to windows/x11drv, it just hangs. I Oliver> tried deleting the windows directory and I'm using "-Pd." Is Oliver> there a simple solution to this?
You probably also have the -z option set, perhaps in your ~/.cvsrc.
This option should be the culprit, it has been discussed before.
Oliver> Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine update to the latest CVS, Oliver> and when cvs update gets to windows/x11drv, it just hangs. I Oliver> tried deleting the windows directory and I'm using "-Pd." Is Oliver> there a simple solution to this?
You probably also have the -z option set, perhaps in your ~/.cvsrc.
This option should be the culprit, it has been discussed before.
It also hangs using this command line: cvs -z3 up -PAd
Try "cvs -z0 up -PAd" If that works you should upgrade your cvs client.
Philipp ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Sauer" To: Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 3:56 PM Subject: Re: x11drv
Oliver> Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine update to the latest
Oliver> and when cvs update gets to windows/x11drv, it just hangs.
Oliver> tried deleting the windows directory and I'm using "-Pd."
Oliver> there a simple solution to this?
You probably also have the -z option set, perhaps in your ~/.cvsrc.
This option should be the culprit, it has been discussed before.
It also hangs using this command line: cvs -z3 up -PAd
-- mIc
Behauptung : Alle natürlichen Zahlen sind interessant. Beweis : Annahme, es gibt mindestens eine natürliche Zahl, die nicht interessant ist. Dann gibt es auch eine kleinste natürliche Zahl, die nicht interessant ist. Aber eine solche Zahl wäre interessant.
Also sind alle natürlichen Zahlen interessant. q.e.d.
As I heard it beeing discussed either do -z0 or update your version of the cvs client program (both work), I know I had this and now always use -z0.... --- Michael Sauer wrote:
Oliver> Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine
update to the latest CVS,
Oliver> and when cvs update gets to
windows/x11drv, it just hangs. I
Oliver> tried deleting the windows directory
and I'm using "-Pd." Is
Oliver> there a simple solution to this?
You probably also have the -z option set, perhaps
in your ~/.cvsrc.
This option should be the culprit, it has been
discussed before.
It also hangs using this command line: cvs -z3 up -PAd
-- mIc
Behauptung : Alle natrlichen Zahlen sind interessant. Beweis : Annahme, es gibt mindestens eine natrliche Zahl, die nicht interessant ist. Dann gibt es auch eine kleinste natrliche Zahl, die nicht interessant ist. Aber eine solche Zahl w�e interessant. Widerspruch. Also sind alle natrlichen Zahlen interessant. q.e.d.
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"Uwe Bonnes" wrote:
Oliver> Howdy, I was trying to do a new wine update to the latest CVS, Oliver> and when cvs update gets to windows/x11drv, it just hangs. I Oliver> tried deleting the windows directory and I'm using "-Pd." Is Oliver> there a simple solution to this?
You probably also have the -z option set, perhaps in your ~/.cvsrc.
This option should be the culprit, it has been discussed before.
But now the question is what has happened to the WineHQ CVS tree that directories windows/ttydrv and windows/x11drv (removed long time ago) reappeared again?
But now the question is what has happened to the WineHQ CVS tree that directories windows/ttydrv and windows/x11drv (removed long time ago) reappeared again?
cvs update also shows deleted directories. Nothing to worry about.
Ciao, Marcus
"Marcus Meissner" wrote:
But now the question is what has happened to the WineHQ CVS tree that directories windows/ttydrv and windows/x11drv (removed long time ago) reappeared again?
cvs update also shows deleted directories.
It didn't before the server crash.
Nothing to worry about.
Sure, it's just an academic research :-)
Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
"Marcus Meissner" wrote:
But now the question is what has happened to the WineHQ CVS tree that directories windows/ttydrv and windows/x11drv (removed long time ago) reappeared again?
cvs update also shows deleted directories.
It didn't before the server crash.
Even stranger - my local CVS repository (updated via cvsup) does not have it. This is particularily strange, as it should have shown the old directories (for old version CVS extract). Anyone?
Nothing to worry about.
Sure, it's just an academic research :-)