On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 12:45 +0200, Tomasz Michno wrote:
C_SRCS = \
profile.c \
You are copying quite a bit a infrastructure from profile.c, so it would be better to add the tests to that file. We can always split them up later.
+#include "mscms_priv.h"
This is not needed.
+void test_TranslateBitmapBits(void){
- BOOL ret=TRUE;
- COLOR bitmapBits[bitmapSize];
- COLOR bitmapBitsResult[bitmapSize];
- #ifdef HAVE_LCMS
You can't use that define in tests.
- HPROFILE hProfile;
- transform = pCreateMultiProfileTransform(&hProfile, 2, &intent, 1,
- // test already handled BMFORMATs:
This won't work, you say you have 2 profiles but pass only one. Don't use // for comments.
You are copying quite a bit a infrastructure from profile.c, so it would be better to add the tests to that file. We can always split them up later.
Maybe you are right, but if there were more functions from transform.c in my opinion it would be better to have tests/transform.c. Maybe we should move common part to another file and include it in profile.c and transform.c?
I sent few minutes ago new version with removed all // comments and new whitespaces and fixed pCreateMultiProfileTransform(&hProfile, 2, &intent, 1,... line.