Vladimir Pankratov scriptkid@mail.ru writes:
Hi all.
Open last key at startup.
Don't resend the same patch every single day, that will only get you ignored. Instead, spend some more time looking at your patch and I'm sure you can figure out why it's not going to work.
Alexandre Julliard schrieb:
Vladimir Pankratov scriptkid@mail.ru writes:
Hi all.
Open last key at startup.
Don't resend the same patch every single day, that will only get you ignored. Instead, spend some more time looking at your patch and I'm sure you can figure out why it's not going to work.
Hi Vladimir, You may use constants instead of Numbers. In this case KEY_MAX_LEN instead of 260, as i made it in my Q&D-Version on Bug 18239. There (Bug 18239) you may add yourself to CC-List.