---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: James Hawkins truiken@gmail.com Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:43:21 -0500 Subject: Re: Wine Status - User Interface To: twickline@sitestar.net
Hey Tom,
printdlg AFAIK is very close to being complete. The only things I can think of that would need to be done concerning the print dialog is to verify how windows handles the printer stats (Status, Type, Where, Comment) when no printer is selected/installed. Another thing that could be implemented is the printer help. I will have to test out the print properties dialog when i set up my printer in a week. I dont really know anything about Page Setup or Print Property Sheet, but I will definitely look into it now.
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:52:58 -0400, Tom twickline@sitestar.net wrote:
James Hawkins wrote:
Hey Tom,
Yea this looks good. Percentages look good too. Keep up the good work!
Hello James,
Thanks for the speedy reply :) Would you by chance know what needs to be done, what is missing from /commdlg/printdlg.c ?
Do you know anything about Page Setup or Print Property Sheet ? I looked through our source but i didn't find a relivent source file for them.
-- James Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 01:44:01PM -0500, James Hawkins wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: James Hawkins truiken@gmail.com Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:43:21 -0500 Subject: Re: Wine Status - User Interface To: twickline@sitestar.net
Hey Tom,
printdlg AFAIK is very close to being complete. The only things I can think of that would need to be done concerning the print dialog is to verify how windows handles the printer stats (Status, Type, Where, Comment) when no printer is selected/installed. Another thing that could be implemented is the printer help. I will have to test out the print properties dialog when i set up my printer in a week. I dont really know anything about Page Setup or Print Property Sheet, but I will definitely look into it now.
I'm not sure this helps, but as a Windows user, I recall that Page Setup usually goes into things like: Page Size (i.e. A4/Letter/Legal, etc.), Page Margins, Orientations, among other things -- in most linux based systems, such as CUPS, that is set in either command line options or in the actual printer configuration, something which might be tricky. If I remember right, Print Properties (or a similar dialog) goes into printer/driver specific setup options, such as the print quality and such, and testing features - and is similar or the same as the software included with most printers, such as the HP Toolbox provided with some HP Inkjets. This may or may not vary from software to software, from windows version to windows version, or from printer to printer.
Hope I helped any. -Michael Chang