Important: I did not want to change the sense of the original file. Personally I think even bugs should be persistant between different translations. ;-) Otherwise they would drift away from each other too much (my opinion). On the other hand, I had to change some sections slightly, as they would not make too much sense in german, could be miss-interpreted or simply would sound ugly if translated very close to the original. I don't know how the other translators handle this issue.
As any latin student knows, you simply can't translate word by word, also you mustn't make a translation that sounds ugly. The important thing is that the file look as if it was written in the language you're translating to, not adapted from another one. Also, in computers it's important to use the same words that are already being used. For example, the italian translation of "Save file as" is "Salva file con nome" that literally means "Save the file with a name", so you can't translate literally, you have to use what is usually used for that functionality in other programs. Just go on as you have up to now. If you think something is wrong, send a patch that updates both the original and the translation.
If there is a translated Readme shouldn't there also be a translated licence file? I'm sure there is already one translated available from Then this should say LIZENZ instead of LICENSE.
The GPL is licensed only for distribution without modification, you can't touch the GPL or the license information in any way shape or from. What you can do is add the translations released by the FSF, as long as you specify that the legally valid version is the english one.