This is an announcement for a new release of the Dynace Object Oriented Extension to C and the Windows Development System.
Real briefly, Dynace is an OO extension to C which includes multiple inheritance, meta object protocol (MOP), class library, native thread support, garbage collection, and is well documented. The system has been in production use for over 10 years.
The Windows Development System is a Dynace class library which makes programming GUI applications under Windows and Linux (WINE) very easy. It also includes a library for SQL Databases, an interface to Java and MzScheme, a custom resource editor, etc.
Besides 600+ pages of professional documentation, the system also includes a language tutorial and a GUI and Database tutorial.
Dynace will run on almost anything with a C compiler. It has been tested on many different systems over the years.
The Windows Development System runs on Windows an Linux (with WINE). This is open source software.
I can be downloaded at:
Blake McBride