Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
I was wondering--who's the best contact there who I could ask a few questions to about how you guys use Bugzilla? It'd just be over email, unless you want to do it over IRC or on the phone.
(Oh, and make sure you reply to me directly, since I'm not on the list.)
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla
Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to
prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
I was wondering--who's the best contact there who I could ask
a few questions to about how you guys use Bugzilla? It'd just be over email, unless you want to do it over IRC or on the phone.
Can we do this in an open forum like wine-devel instead of having one point of contact? I think we all have particular issues with bugzilla that we don't necessarily communicate to the project. Having said that, I think it's great that the Bugzilla Project is getting feedback from the open source community, and I'm glad we're one of the projects you would like input from.
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:18:25 -0500 "James Hawkins" truiken@gmail.com wrote:
Can we do this in an open forum like wine-devel instead of having one point of contact? I think we all have particular issues with bugzilla that we don't necessarily communicate to the project. Having said that, I think it's great that the Bugzilla Project is getting feedback from the open source community, and I'm glad we're one of the projects you would like input from.
Yeah, you can gather the information in an open forum. I can give you guys the questions and you can get the information and put it up on a Wiki or compile it into a single email and all, if you want.
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:21:09 -0500 "Austin English" austinenglish@gmail.com wrote:
Administrators would be Dan Kegel, Jan Zerebecki, Jeremy Newman, and Tony Lambregts.
A few of the devs/volunteers frequently triaging/verifying/etc. would be Dmitry Timoshkov, James Hawkins, Louis Lenders, Vitaliy Margolen and myself.
Okay. Well, here are the questions, and you guys can come to a decision on how you want to do the research or answer them. I'd definitely be interested in having feedback from all the different aspects of the community, triagers, developers, administrators, etc.
What version of Bugzilla are you currently running?
What problems do you have with Bugzilla? (What are the most commonly experienced or reported problems, what are the most major problems?)
What features of Bugzilla do you use the most at your organization, besides standard HTML bug searches, bug filing, and HTML bug viewing?
If not answered above, are either of the New Charts or Old Charts reporting features of Bugzilla in common use at your organization?
What customizations have you done to Bugzilla that you'd really like to see upstream?
What features would you like to see Bugzilla have in the future?
Are there any current features of Bugzilla that you'd like to see some change in, even if only a little? (Work differently, look different, fix some annoyance, etc.)
Any other feedback that you'd like to give to the Bugzilla Project?
None of these questions are limited to any particular number of responses. Also, feel free to make your answers as structured or as freeform as you'd like--if you want to give us explanations of why you've answered certain things, or explain more about anything, go ahead!
If you want any clarification on any question, just let me know. :-) And if you want to take time to research any of them within the community, that's fine too--I don't really need the answers until July 7 (though sooner is of course always nicer).
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:18 PM, James Hawkins truiken@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla
Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to
prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
I was wondering--who's the best contact there who I could ask
a few questions to about how you guys use Bugzilla? It'd just be over email, unless you want to do it over IRC or on the phone.
Can we do this in an open forum like wine-devel instead of having one point of contact? I think we all have particular issues with bugzilla that we don't necessarily communicate to the project. Having said that, I think it's great that the Bugzilla Project is getting feedback from the open source community, and I'm glad we're one of the projects you would like input from.
-- James Hawkins
When still working out how to do bugzilla stats (in the WWN, Wine's newsletter. Last article of every issue) I originally attempted to get information from the report/graph/chart generating feature. It took a while but I finally figured out how to use it and got numbers that I thought seemed reasonable. However after a bit I noticed that indeed, the numbers did not make sense. To this day I cannot figure out what the report was saying. I think the entire report generator needs a huge interface overhall.
That said, I'm with james in that its great that you guys are putting forth this effort!
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla
Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to
prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
I was wondering--who's the best contact there who I could ask
a few questions to about how you guys use Bugzilla? It'd just be over email, unless you want to do it over IRC or on the phone.
(Oh, and make sure you reply to me directly, since I'm not on
the list.)
-- http://www.everythingsolved.com/ Competent, Friendly Bugzilla and Perl Services. Everything Else, too.
I triage a lot of old bugs, so more boolean search options would be nice. I'd especially like a 'days since last comment', 'last comment by', 'last comment contains'. The ability to post a comment to several bugs (perhaps, only available to admin/privileged users) would also be nice.
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Austin English austinenglish@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla
Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to
prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
I was wondering--who's the best contact there who I could ask
a few questions to about how you guys use Bugzilla? It'd just be over email, unless you want to do it over IRC or on the phone.
(Oh, and make sure you reply to me directly, since I'm not on
the list.)
-- http://www.everythingsolved.com/ Competent, Friendly Bugzilla and Perl Services. Everything Else, too.
I triage a lot of old bugs, so more boolean search options would be nice. I'd especially like a 'days since last comment', 'last comment by', 'last comment contains'. The ability to post a comment to several bugs (perhaps, only available to admin/privileged users) would also be nice.
Along the same line as Austin's last request, our bugzilla management would be so much easier if we could modify several bugs at the same time without spamming our wine bugzilla mailing list. For example, we'd like to close all of our non-fixed resolved bugs. We've been irresponsible and the list of bugs that matches this query has 782 reports. If we tried to close all of these at once, we'd either spam the mailing list, or spend a couple weeks closing 30 bugs at a time. I imagine this would only be possible by our bugzilla admins (to keep it from being abused).
Hey guys! I really appreciate all the feedback, but could you work it all out together and then have one person send me all the answers to the questions that I sent? I'm surveying about 25 organizations, it's hard to keep track of things if there's a lot of separate emails from each one.
I don't need to be CC'ed on the actual discussions.
"Max Kanat-Alexander" mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
Are you aware of the problem with 'Accept bug' functionality? It never worked as expected in bugzilla, i.e. not changed the status to ASSIGNED and simultaneously changed the 'Assigned To' e-mail to an assignee.