In CryptSIPLoad I have to load the some internal crypt32 function pointers into a structure. Will the following work ? :
pSipDispatch->pfGet = &CryptSIPGetSignedDataMsg; pSipDispatch->pfPut = &CryptSIPPutSignedDataMsg; pSipDispatch->pfCreate = &CryptSIPCreateIndirectData; pSipDispatch->pfVerify = &CryptSIPVerifyIndirectData; pSipDispatch->pfRemove = &CryptSIPRemoveSignedDataMsg;
What happens if I have another dll loaded that has the same functions (wintrust, msisip ....)?
Do I need to do an explicit LoadLibrary or GetModuleHandle?
The tests I've already created (in current GIT) succeed with the above 'solution' but I just want to make sure there aren't any side-effects.