Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
Summary since last release * Rebased to current wine 4.9 (831 patches are applied to wine vanilla)
NOTE: FAudio will not be supported until distro's have FAudio library as part of their standard repositories.
Upstreamed (Either directly from staging or fixed with a similar patch). * dinput: Allow Enumeration of joysticks with DirectX 3. * windowscodecs: Improve compatibility of IMILBitmapSource interface. * windowscodecs: Add support for IMILBitmapScaler interface. * amstream: Avoid implicit cast of interface pointer.
Added: * [47018] gdi32: Paint 32-bpp bitmaps with an alpha channel using GdiAlphaBlend. * [47235] ncrypt: Steep (Uplay) crashes on unimplemented function ncrypt.dll.BCryptSecretAgreement
Updated: * ntdll-Junction_Points * bcrypt-BCryptSecretAgreement * winebuild-Fake_Dlls
Where can you help * Run Steam/ * Try you favorite game. * Test your favorite applications. * Improve staging patches and get them accepted upstream.
As always, if you find a bug, please report it via
Best Regards Alistair.
----- On May 26, 2019, at 6:24 AM, Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:
NOTE: FAudio will not be supported until distro's have FAudio library as part of their standard repositories.
Best Regards Alistair.
Since that has a rather high likelyhood of not happening any time soon, would it be possible to make the "-W xaudio2-revert" flag automatically also include the "-W xaudio2_CommitChanges -W xaudio2_7-WMA_support -W xaudio2_7-CreateFX-FXEcho" flags aswell?
Ref: abort "Patchset xaudio2-revert disabled, but xaudio2_CommitChanges depends on that." abort "Patchset xaudio2-revert disabled, but xaudio2_7-WMA_support depends on that." abort "Patchset xaudio2-revert disabled, but xaudio2_7-CreateFX-FXEcho depends on that."
Just some sort of "tidy option" to re-enable FAudio for those bold enough to use it :)