first I'd really like to thank the riched20 workers, notably Krzysztof Foltman and Phil Krylov. For the application Diamond it made a big difference: Instead of "[[Aring]]" etc. one sees the proper symbol and it looks much nicer. But the biggest advantage is that one can now copy or save the text; before the app was simply crashing when attempting to do so.
Regression: One of the later riched20 patches, possibly http://cvs.winehq.org/patch.py?id=16672, caused a regression with the richedit control in Diamond.
Before it showed a beta character from the Symbol font, now it only shows a box ("[]").
If one saves the output (rtf export) one sees ------------------- {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\deflang1031\deflangfe1031{\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman;} {\f1\fcharset0 System;} {\f2\fcharset2 Symbol;} }{*\generator Wine Riched20 2.0.????;}\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\b\fs18\ul Bibliographic data} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0 [...] \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\i\fs18 b}{\fs18 = 5.8312(2) 'c5} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\i\fs18 c}{\fs18 = 7.9564(2) 'c5} \par\pard\li0\fi0\ri0{\fs18 }{\fs18\f2 \u61538?}{\fs18 = 100.77(0) \u176?} -------------------
In the last line, after the \f2 (Symbol font), there should be a beta ("b" + Symbol font).
Trace (starting from the "b = 5.8312(2)"): ------------ trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 177), counted = 177, len = 1, txt = "L"b"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000002 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 178), counted = 178, len = 14, txt = "L" = 5.8312(2) \00c5"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 192), counted = 192, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets para, real ofsp = 193, counted = 193 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 0 (+ofsp = 193), counted = 193, len = 1, txt = "L"\t"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 194), counted = 194, len = 1, txt = "L"c"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000002 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 195), counted = 195, len = 14, txt = "L" = 7.9564(2) \00c5"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 209), counted = 209, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets para, real ofsp = 210, counted = 210 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 0 (+ofsp = 210), counted = 210, len = 1, txt = "L"\t"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 1 (+ofsp = 211), counted = 211, len = 1, txt = "L"\f062"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 2 (+ofsp = 212), counted = 212, len = 14, txt = "L" = 100.77(0) \00b0"", flags=00000000, fx&mask = 44000000 trace:richedit:ME_CheckCharOffsets run, real ofs = 16 (+ofsp = 226), counted = 226, len = 1, txt = "L"\00b6"", flags=00100000, fx&mask = 44000000 ------------
* * * *
One feature request: Currently, tabs are shown as box ("[]"), how about replacing them with a simple space - that would increase the readability a lot. Currently, one gets (WINE-CVS): http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond3.png (Windows: http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond_list.png)
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:13:30 +0100 Tobias Burnus burnus@gmx.de wrote:
Regression: One of the later riched20 patches, possibly http://cvs.winehq.org/patch.py?id=16672, caused a regression with the richedit control in Diamond.
Before it showed a beta character from the Symbol font, now it only shows a box ("[]").
Did you check later CVS? I tried to read an RTF containing beta from the Symbol font both as 'b' (CP_SYMBOL codepage) and as 0xF062 (Unicode), and both did look like betas on the screen.
Anyway, thanks, because the RTF output you quote shows another bug in the RTF writer which I'm addressing now.
{fs18\f2 \u61538?}
"\u61538?" should be "b", and even if it was not in a symbol charset, it should read "\u-3598" - RTF uses signed 16-bit values here.
One feature request: Currently, tabs are shown as box ("[]"), how about replacing them with a simple space - that would increase the readability a lot.
I suppose this is more addressed to Krzysztof... The readability could be even better if tab positions were supported :)
-- Ph.
Phil Krylov wrote:
Before it showed a beta character from the Symbol font, now it only shows a box ("[]").
Did you check later CVS? I tried to read an RTF containing beta from the Symbol font both as 'b' (CP_SYMBOL codepage) and as 0xF062 (Unicode), and both did look like betas on the screen.
Hmm, I think the reason for my boxes was that I didn't install symbol.ttf from Windows (I had only a "Symbol Set BT" and bitmap fonts before). Anyway, both displaying in the application _and_ (thanks to the patch) exporting to RTF work now.
One feature request: Currently, tabs are shown as box ("[]"), how about replacing them with a simple space - that would increase the readability a lot.
I suppose this is more addressed to Krzysztof... The readability could be even better if tab positions were supported :)
True ;) But failing to write patches for Wine myself, I'll try not to ask to much.
Tobias Burnus wrote:
Hmm, I think the reason for my boxes was that I didn't install symbol.ttf from Windows (I had only a "Symbol Set BT" and bitmap fonts before). Anyway, both displaying in the application _and_ (thanks to the patch) exporting to RTF work now.
Wine can compile fonts from the sfd files produced by FontForge, so if we built our own symbol.ttf we wouldn't need to copy symbol.ttf from Windows.
If somebody is interested in kicking off a Symbol font (just adding a beta symbol would help Tobias) then grab font forge from http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/ and have a look in wine/fonts.
We could also explore the possibilty of using the one from Open Office...
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 18:04:32 +0200 Tobias Burnus burnus@gmx.de wrote:
Hmm, I think the reason for my boxes was that I didn't install symbol.ttf from Windows (I had only a "Symbol Set BT" and bitmap fonts before).
Yes, I also noticed some problems with font substitution...
-- Ph.
On Apr 1, 2005 11:37 AM, Phil Krylov phil@newstar.rinet.ru wrote:
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 18:04:32 +0200 Tobias Burnus burnus@gmx.de wrote:
Hmm, I think the reason for my boxes was that I didn't install symbol.ttf from Windows (I had only a "Symbol Set BT" and bitmap fonts before).
Yes, I also noticed some problems with font substitution...
The problem I've noticed is if there is only one truetype font available, and thanks to the new Marlett replacement there is exactly one on a default install, then it gets chosen to display any truetype font. This is easily seen when using Word Viewer 2003, all fonts in the document will use Marlett.
Steven - you mentioned there was a Tahoma ttf replacement on the way from ROS? Greenville? Has it been completed?
With regard to making our own replacement fonts, I think there's already a sufficient amount of fonts out there we could potentially use. Of course we'd need to contact the authors, but I'm sure we could just "import" an existing one into fontforge. I sent this email a few months ago:
The issue of fonts came up a while ago and I know some people are working on free replacements for some of the core fonts. Anyway, I stumbled on this resource tonight with a huge listing of fonts: http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc/originalfonts.html
Seems like there's got to be a few decent ones in there the authors would be willing to let us use and relicense.
Another thing I just thought of is glyph tracing. Maybe this would be a good time to explore our OSDL legal resources. In theory, it's legal to take an existing font, trace the outlines of the glyphs, and use that to create a new font set. Fontforge has more info on how that works. It would be interesting to find out if there's a precedent for doing that.
Tobias Burnus wrote:
I suppose this is more addressed to Krzysztof... The readability could be even better if tab positions were supported :)
True ;) But failing to write patches for Wine myself, I'll try not to ask too much.
I'm currently working on complete tab support, and will post a patch next week. It already includes support for tab positions.
On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 12:32:28PM +0200, Krzysztof Foltman wrote:
I'm currently working on complete tab support, and will post a patch next week. It already includes support for tab positions.
This is very cool. From the limitted exposure I have with Richedit controls used in apps, this will make the current riched20 useful in 70-80% of the cases. For example, AFAICT tab support is the only feature missing to get perfect output in the richedit controls used in MS' control spy.