Here's a more readable version of what I just posted to wine-patches. There are quite a few, aren't there? Full marks to anybody who can actually describe what they all monitor :)
accel adpcm advapi animate aspi atom avicap avifile bidi bitblt bitmap cabinet capi caret cdrom cfgmgr32 class clipboard clipping combo comboex comm commctrl commdlg computername console crtdll crypt curses cursor d3d d3d_shader d3d_surface datetime dc ddeml ddraw ddraw_fps ddraw_geom ddraw_tex debugstr devenum dialog dinput dll dma dmband dmcompos dmfile dmfiledat dmime dmloader dmscript dmstyle dmsynth dmusic dosfs dosmem dplay dplayx dpnhpast driver dsound dsound3d edit enhmetafile environ event eventlog exec file fixup font fps g711 gdi global glu graphics header heap hook hotkey icmp icon imagehlp imagelist imm int int21 int31 io ipaddress iphlpapi jack joystick key keyboard listbox listview loaddll local mapi mci mcianim mciavi mcicda mcimidi mciwave mdi menu menubuilder message metafile midi mmaux mmio mmsys mmtime module monthcal mpeg3 mpr msacm msdmo msg mshtml msi msimg32 msisys msrle32 msvcrt msvideo mswsock nativefont netapi32 netbios nls nonclient ntdll odbc ole oledlg olerelay opengl pager palette pidl powermgnt print process profile progress propsheet psapi psdrv qcap quartz ras rebar reg region relay resource richedit rundll32 sblaster scroll seh selector server setupapi shdocvw shell shlctrl snmpapi snoop sound static statusbar storage stress string syscolor system tab tape tapi task text thread thunk tid timer toolbar toolhelp tooltips trackbar treeview ttydrv twain typelib uninstaller updown urlmon uxtheme ver virtual vxd wave wc_font win win32 wineboot winecfg wineconsole wine_d3d winevdm wing winhelp wininet winmm winsock winspool wintab wintab32 wnet x11drv x11settings xdnd xrandr xrender xvidmode