This kind of command fails with wcmd:
start /wait somebatfile.bat
This was related to the T++ and random garbage characters bug. When executables are launched from other executables Wine freaks out and used to output T++ and random garbage characters. Now wine doesn't do that anymore but outputs: Sharing violation
However, if run such a program with --debugmsg +seh this happens:
U++ €&#"/#&(&)€(€(
So the bug is still remaining in the debug channel (I guess).
One program that does this is Valentine Dancer winamp plugin (nice visualizer BTW :) It can be downloaded from:
It extracts two files to the windows\temp directory (valentinesdancer_winamp.exe and wtinstallpimp.bat) and runs the bat file which is:
@echo off if NOT EXIST %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe exit start /wait %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe del %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe del %1\wtinstallpimp.bat
and the crash happens at the start /wait command because Wine doesn't find the file.
Attached is the debulog.txt that should have the relevant parts of the --debugmsg +relay output. So actually there are two bugs here. The debugmsg +seh bug and the wcmd bug. I hope here is enough information for someone to fix these.
--- Vilppa- Sunpoint.net ilmoittaa:
Sunpoint.net tarjoaa kaikille rekisteröityneille käyttäjilleen kuukausimaksuttoman Internet -yhteyden (pvm). http://www.sunpoint.net/SunAds/click.htm?mode=footer&id=71&jump=http...
You forgot to attach the file - could you open a bug in bugzilla about this and attach it there? I've seen it too and it's extremely annoying, good to see somebody has been debugging this.
thanks -mike
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 12:50, Vilppa Salt wrote:
This kind of command fails with wcmd:
start /wait somebatfile.bat
This was related to the T++ and random garbage characters bug. When executables are launched from other executables Wine freaks out and used to output T++ and random garbage characters. Now wine doesn't do that anymore but outputs: Sharing violation
However, if run such a program with --debugmsg +seh this happens:
U++ ¤&#"/#&(&)¤(¤(
So the bug is still remaining in the debug channel (I guess).
One program that does this is Valentine Dancer winamp plugin (nice visualizer BTW :) It can be downloaded from:
It extracts two files to the windows\temp directory (valentinesdancer_winamp.exe and wtinstallpimp.bat) and runs the bat file which is:
@echo off if NOT EXIST %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe exit start /wait %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe del %1\valentinesdancer_winamp.exe del %1\wtinstallpimp.bat
and the crash happens at the start /wait command because Wine doesn't find the file.
Attached is the debulog.txt that should have the relevant parts of the --debugmsg +relay output. So actually there are two bugs here. The debugmsg +seh bug and the wcmd bug. I hope here is enough information for someone to fix these.
Vilppa- Sunpoint.net ilmoittaa:
Sunpoint.net tarjoaa kaikille rekisteröityneille käyttäjilleen kuukausimaksuttoman Internet -yhteyden (pvm). http://www.sunpoint.net/SunAds/click.htm?mode=footer&id=71&jump=http...