Hi! Today we've found that winebrowser gets invalid URL consisting of many question marks instead of correct URL, in at least two cases: 1) Attempt to buy a game in Steam (yes, we are regularly doing that) 2) Trying to buy a program called CPT-Master from 3am systems, free demo which shows the problem when "Buy now" button is pressed in its welcome screen, can be downloaded at http://www.3amsystems.com/products/CPT-Master.exe
The following commit has been identified as making the regression:
e547cf7043e36fecfe5e23d1d6f93a9c5ba89c46 is first bad commit commit e547cf7043e36fecfe5e23d1d6f93a9c5ba89c46 Author: Hans Leidekker hans@it.vu.nl Date: Sun Apr 6 14:44:31 2008 +0200
winebrowser: Convert to Unicode.
:040000 040000 4f3a034b18392677fc0dfd1ed6df7fefe843a10e 0ab8603a13e836a0b91dd2f146df8da59f7e79e4 M programs
It really looks related to the problem which I'm reporting :-). BTW, my system is NOT running in Unicode. Maybe is it related ? I hope it is not yet mandatory. I'm using iso-8859-2 encoding, which works much better in my normal working environment.
Please do your best to fix it before 1.0, I feel it really bad and I think that many programs may be affected by it.
Should I submit a bug too ?
With regards, Pavel Troller
On Saturday 07 June 2008 10:25:39 Pavel Troller wrote:
BTW, my system is NOT running in Unicode. Maybe is it related ? I hope it is not yet mandatory. I'm using iso-8859-2 encoding, which works much better in my normal working environment.
If the URL contains characters outside iso-8859-2 that may be the problem, yes. Is it fixed when you switch to utf8?
Please file a bug and attach a +winebrowser trace.
On Saturday 07 June 2008 10:25:39 Pavel Troller wrote:
BTW, my system is NOT running in Unicode. Maybe is it related ? I hope it is not yet mandatory. I'm using iso-8859-2 encoding, which works much better in my normal working environment.
If the URL contains characters outside iso-8859-2 that may be the problem, yes. Is it fixed when you switch to utf8?
Hi! 1) The URLs don't contain any special characters. They even don't need 8859-2, US-ASCII should be enough for them :-). 2) Switching to utf-8 caused that chinese characters and placeholders (boxes with hex value of the character) were displayed instead of question marks, and it didn't work either, of course.
Please file a bug and attach a +winebrowser trace.
Done. There are two traces, one with default setting and the other with LC_ALL=cs_CZ.UTF-8.
With regards, Pavel Troller