I dont think (although I could be wrong) that programs compiled in vs6 would have dependencies on .net, even if they were compiled on xp.. You said that you are able to get other programs to run, such as winzip and solitaire? If that is the case, then what I said above more than likely _is_ wrong :-/ in which case not much can be done. You could always try your hand at implementing the missing .net functions, but this may be a bigger task than it is worth. The other option if you must get it going on linux is to port it to linux using winelib, although if it is dependent on .net that may not be possible either..
Anyone else have any comments on this?
Brendan Clark Ribera wrote:
Yeah, I know enough of Linux to do that. It just strikes me as weird that all of the executables I've downloaded (WinZip, etc) have produced no errors. Someone suggested this might be due to .NET dependencies in the Windows XP binaries, but I might as well try a newer version of Wine.
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Dustin Navea wrote:
Hi, that does seem a little strange. It could be that there is something wrong with the package. How familiar are you with Linux? Familiar enough to know what CVS is and how to use it to get the bleeding edge version of wine, and enough to know how to compile it from scratch, if I pointed you to the guide that tells you how?
Brendan Clark Ribera wrote:
The version I'm running is from an RPM on winehq.com (I'm running Fedora Core 2). Also, I considered the .NET problem, so I compiled a little "Hello World" program in Visual Studio 6, which also produced this error. I don't know if perhaps VS 6 has been made to encorporate .NET libraries, but I was really surprised to see that program not work.
Someone else suggested trying an NT-based winver, which I found not to help.
[-info not relevant to the nature of this specific email snipped-]