RĂ©mi Assailly remi.assailly@free.fr writes:
+/* USER */ +extern DWORD X11DRV_MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( DWORD count, const HANDLE *handles,
DWORD timeout, DWORD mask, DWORD flags );
+extern void X11DRV_InitKeyboard( BYTE *key_state_table ); +extern UINT X11DRV_GetKeyboardLayoutList(INT size, HKL *hkl); +extern HKL X11DRV_GetKeyboardLayout(DWORD dwThreadid); +extern BOOL X11DRV_GetKeyboardLayoutName(LPWSTR name); +extern HKL X11DRV_LoadKeyboardLayout(LPCWSTR name, UINT flags); +extern BOOL X11DRV_UnloadKeyboardLayout(HKL hkl); +extern HKL X11DRV_ActivateKeyboardLayout(HKL hkl, UINT flags); +extern SHORT X11DRV_VkKeyScanEx(WCHAR wChar, HKL hkl);
There's no need to add prototypes for the exported entry points, they are not called from anywhere inside the dll. It causes more work when changing the functions for no real benefit.