On Freitag 20 Februar 2009, Rein Klazes wrote:
See subject.
Hi, mostly minor code style comments.
if( hMenu ) {
- MENUINFO minfo;
- MENUITEMINFOW miteminfo;
POPUPMENU* menu = MENU_GetMenu(hMenu); menu->wFlags |= MF_SYSMENU | MF_POPUP; SetMenuDefaultItem(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, FALSE);
- minfo.cbSize = sizeof( MENUINFO);
- minfo.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP;
- minfo.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
- SetMenuInfo( hMenu, &minfo);
- miteminfo.cbSize = sizeof( MENUITEMINFOW);
- miteminfo.fMask = MIIM_BITMAP;
- miteminfo.hbmpItem = HBMMENU_POPUP_CLOSE;
- SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu, SC_CLOSE, FALSE, &miteminfo);
- miteminfo.hbmpItem = HBMMENU_POPUP_RESTORE;
- SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu, SC_RESTORE, FALSE, &miteminfo);
- miteminfo.hbmpItem = HBMMENU_POPUP_MAXIMIZE;
- SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu, SC_MAXIMIZE, FALSE, &miteminfo);
- miteminfo.hbmpItem = HBMMENU_POPUP_MINIMIZE;
- SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu, SC_MINIMIZE, FALSE, &miteminfo);
I think this part deserves a bit more spacing to be readable. Something like the above looks better IMO. Also there is some inconsistent spacing around the beginning and end ()/{} which does not match the rest of the file.
logfont.lfHeight = min( h, w) - 2 ;
TextOutW( hdc, rect->left, rect->top, bmchr, 1);
double space after '=' and ','
bmchr[0] = 0x72;
bmchr[0] = 0x32;
bmchr[0] = 0x31;
bmchr[0] = 0x30;
The constants seem to be equal to DFCS_CAPTION... I just tried to use DrawFrameControl but it seems to always draw a border around the images. And i did not find the right parameters for not drawing a border. It could save some code for font setup but i guess it is not usable for this :-(
TRACE(" height %d rect %s\n", logfont.lfHeight, wine_dbgstr_rect( rect));
leftover from debugging or is it still needed?
Greetings Peter