Hello. First of all, I'm not sure if this message should be posted here, so sorry if it isn't the correct place.
I found a regression and made some test to find the patch that caused the problem. I followed the "How to do regression testing using CVS" section in Wine documentation http://winehq.org/site/docs/winedev-guide/x1344, but I think it's outdated.
The wine-cvs archive mailing list linked in the documentation is http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-cvs This archive ends in August 2005.
I think the archive linked should be http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-cvs/
But the main problem comes now. I used CVS to make the regression test. But when looking in the mailing list messages, the date in them isn't the CVS commit date. Instead, it is the Git commit date (or at least I think so). The Git to CVS gateway seems to get some time to commit the changes to the CVS.
So I don't know how can I get the exact patch that caused the problem.
I'll try to explain it with my problem. When I update the CVS to "2005-12-21 21:29:02 +0100", the game runs perfectly. However, if I update the CVS to "2005-12-21 21:29:03 +0100", it crashes. However, looking in the mailing list, there are no commits at "2005-12-21 21:29:03 +0100" (the previous was made at "2005-12-21 21:19:47 +0100").
Is there something I'm missing? How could I proceed? Thanks.
P.D: I didn't give more information about the crash because the message was mainly focused to the dates in the mailing list question. Of course, I'll fill a bug report when I find the patch that caused the problem.