My old motherboard died, and so I upgraded from a single P3 to a dual P3 system. I went to run HalfLife, which had been running beautifully under Wine, and now all the wall textures are screwed up. There is nothing of the proper textures in them - it's not like the colors are screwed up, more like the actual data is screwed up.
However, it IS consistent from run to run - the same patterns on the same vertexes each time.
The various "humans" in the level are fine - it is just the environment that is screwed.
This is running the OpenGL setting in HL - I thought I'd try the DirectX setting, but all I get there is "This is not supported by your card".
Now, I have upgraded XFree to the latest CVS pull, I rebuilt my kernel, and upgraded Wine, so it COULD be any of the above. However, I pulled an older version of Wine from another machine with the same results.
Native GL programs like Q3A, RTCW, and UT all look fine, so the native GL layer is running well.
Could this be an artifact of SMP? Or is there something that Wine does differently in accessing the GL libraries from a native app that would explain this?