I'm trying to implement taskmodal message boxes, what I've done up to now is attached. The problem is that with my current implementation if a window is disabled before MessageBox*() is called, it is then enabled after the user closes the messagebox, and Lionel has tested this on win98 and this is not what window does. I use EnumThreadWindows to loop trough all the top level windows in the thread and disable them, ideally I should check the status of each window, save the handle of each window that is disabled before MessageBox was called, and not enable them after DialogBoxIndirectParamW has returned. But as the EnumThreadWndProc function has no way of returning information directly to the caller of EnumThreadWindows I'm unsure where I should save this data. Should I use a global variable, a temp reg key, or am I taking the wrong approach to this problem?
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