Are .spec files automahicly built? Adding an entry to the .spec file does what exactly? From my standpoint all it does is add an entry to the documentation thats generated by, but it's undocumentabale, not linked to anything, and just sits there. I'm assuming you *MUST* have a function, or a declration, or something the jive with the .spec file?
On second thought, this is more of a functionallity question. Here's more on documentation...
I wanted to say this after I finished documenting the API of a DLL, but it's more releivent here.
Many people program open source for many reasons. I simply want to learn the Win32 API. I have no idea why, I guess I'm just cerious about how it works. As I am sitting here placing comments into code I am reminded of a short story in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
In the story there was an alien who had immortility accidently placed upon him by way of a particle accelorator, a rubber band, and I think some tea... But I'm not too sure about that bit. Anyway he had a grand old time simply outliving the hell out of everyone.
After a while he became biter an jaded, he needed something to do to bide his time and so he decided to insult the universe.
The worst bit, and the part that he fought so hard to maintain, is that he decided to do it *Alphabectally*
I feel much like this guy, I'm starting in advapi32.dll and methotcally working my way through it. At first I wanted to do an end-to-end API documentaion, but I'm hampered by things that arn't implmented yet.
That's fine, I'll just do an end-to-end Wine API documentation instead. I do not have the skills to fill in code myself. I don't even have a test suite (Read:windows computer) to check myself against anyway.
I have found that when I document the APIs, that the subs tend to stand out between the hyperlinks. It almost feels like they are saying "Look at me! Not only do I not fuction, but I can't get a lousy hyperlink either!" And so I think I have found another motivtion to do Open Source programming.
Yes, I am now panning to guilt people into impmentation. All those entries look soooo pretty it it wasn't for those ugly, black stubs in there. I would like to have the entire API in there, stubbed out, to simply enhance the guilt.
But I shall just "do what's there" I just dispuse going through what I've written when I have an eppifiny of some sort. I have to do it again anyway as I need to link up some advapi32 calls to some ntdll calls. I just learnd that one was a front end to another...
Anyway, I guess this is a rounds about way of saying this, but I'll just do what's there, and hopefully guilt others into implemtation ^_^
P.S. If I find someone who has implemented something after I've gon through the DLL, only to find they didn't bother to make a simple documentation header for it.... Well, then I'd just be really sore....
On January 1, 2004 10:16 am, Joshua Walker wrote:
Are .spec files automahicly built? Adding an entry to the .spec file does what exactly? From my standpoint all it does is add an entry to the documentation thats generated by, but it's undocumentabale, not linked to anything, and just sits there. I'm assuming you *MUST* have a function, or a declration, or something the jive with the .spec file?
Yes, essentially you need a function in the .c file to match the entry in the .spec file. From your point of view (doing documentation), I wouldn't worry about .spec files for now.