This isn't the prettiest way to merge those functions, but it's a start
Will you be cleaning this up further to get rid of the huge if-else ? I think at least all the MOV-specific stuff should go in its own instr. function.
2008/9/23 Ivan Gyurdiev
This isn't the prettiest way to merge those functions, but it's a start
Will you be cleaning this up further to get rid of the huge if-else ? I think at least all the MOV-specific stuff should go in its own instr. function.
Eventually, yeah. At the moment the problem is that the pixelshader functions essentially use their own parallel system for generating the program. The result should in theory be the same, but it'll take some effort to unify all that without introducing regressions. That's not something that'll happen before WineConf. In the short term, this patch is just preparation for making wined3d less dependent on the actual implementation of specific shader backends.