Hi folks,
We are excited to welcome you in person to the 2022 Wine Conference, held in conjunction with the X.org developers conference (XDC) and the FOSS XR conference.
The XDC conference will start on Tuesday morning, October 4th. The program is here: https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/2/timetable/#all.detailed The official events start at 8:30 am, but we will have coffee and pastries available from 7:30 on Tuesday and 8 on Wednesday and Thursday.
WineConf proper will start on Wednesday morning, October 5th, with Alexandre's keynote.
We expect everyone attending to be vaccinated and to be respectful of people that are trying to avoid catching COVID. Masks are mandatory, except when presenting or eating.
The plan is to gather at Brit's Pub, both Monday and Tuesday in the late afternoon to welcome arrivals. We’ll try to have a table with some sort of a sign, and folks can connect, have a drink, and then perhaps group up to explore alternate food. Note that if the weather is nice, we may be up on the roof, so explore far to find us.
We will be on the Minneapolis campus of St. Thomas, which is a mildly confusing campus. We have given instructions and a picture to guide you here:
https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/2/page/10-attending-xdc-wineconf-foss-x... We are working on the remote experience, and expect to have streaming of all events available. The above page will have those details just as soon as they are finalized.
We have a page of instructions for folks that will be presenting: https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/2/page/18-speaker-instructions
We are also excited to announce the happy hour taking place on Wednesday, from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. The hope is that all three projects can mingle and socialize and enjoy the return of in person meetings.
We will again use a Matrix chat room just for the conference. Matrix has a variety of apps, and Element, the default one is easy to configure on many devices, including mobile phones. The link to that channel is here: https://matrix.to/#/#xdc-wineconf-fossxr-2022:matrix.org We find the chat channel a good place to learn what restaurants and bars are chosen, and just a good way to track the social aspects of the conference.
We look forward to seeing you next week!