Aric Stewart writes:
HRESULT WINAPI AMovieDllRegisterServer2(BOOL bRegister) { HRESULT hr; int i; IFilterMapper2 *pIFM2 = NULL;
- HMODULE psapi;
- fnGetModuleFileNameExW pFunc;
- WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH];
- psapi = LoadLibraryA("psapi.dll");
- if (psapi)
- {
pFunc = (fnGetModuleFileNameExW)GetProcAddress(psapi, "GetModuleFileNameExW");
if (pFunc)
if (!pFunc(GetCurrentProcess(), g_hInst, szFileName, MAX_PATH))
ERR("Failed to get module file name for registration\n");
return E_FAIL;
ERR("Failed to get get function GetModuleFileNameExW\n");
return E_FAIL;
- }
- else
- {
ERR("Failed to load psapi.dll\n");
return E_FAIL;
- }
- FreeLibrary(psapi);
There's no reason to use psapi for this.